Thursday, March 14, 2013


I just couldn't bring my self to go to yoga yesterday. I have been dealing with a shoulder injury that was painful in down dog and during chataranga, usually sitting out is not my thing. I knew I could go and "listen to my body" but child's pose for an hour and a half wasn't what I wanted.
Instead I went on a hike and meditated at the top. Being my first act of personal, intentional meditation I was afraid. I was afraid of where my mind would take me, where it would try to go. Focus on your breath, your body, emptiness. So I tried. I set my watch for 20 minutes, sat up on top of a rock, and shut my eyes.
The beginning was nice, easy almost, but there I started to wonder. Wander on studying for finals, what I was going to make for dinner, what I was going to do this weekend. I am a compulsive planner.
I would bring my thoughts back to my breath, to the wind in my hair, across my back, and to my third eye. But eventually the strain was too much and I could bare it no longer, I had to check the time; surely it was twenty minutes by now.
15, I was five minutes short, or 15 minutes ahead of where I started. Blinking my eyes open I felt refreshed and rejuvenated and happy to have tried.