Thursday, August 29, 2013


Here is our new design for spreading our message!! 
Let us know if you want a shirt 


Mindful Yoga

What defines a good yoga practice? Regularly attending a sweaty room, having a calm mind, wearing yoga pants to more places than the mat? It need a closer look at yoga, what is yoga to you?

I seem to turn to yoga when my mind need quieting, my hips are sore, or negativity is clouding the brain. Attending classes on the regular make me happy, it really does, so why don't we do it more often? Work, school, sleep, grocery shopping, that 1/2 marathon I just signed up for, boyfriends, they all seem to get in the way. Boyfriend; now that's a good one. Really he likes it when I go to yoga. I am happier, more balanced, and generally more fun to be around. So why is it so hard to dedicate your life to something you love?

Money. At $15 dollars a class it's hard to legitimize spending that much for just yoga. Or to do an unlimited month it can be well over $150!! As a college student and soon to be graduate I am trying to save money so I can support myself in real life. Dreaming of being a yoga teacher has always been in my vault. But how can a yoga teacher afford taking regular classes at their studio? Not that they actually would have to pay for a membership but really, you're selling a product (in this case a class) that you yourself can't afford.

I'm not trying to talk about money or the economy but actually why I feel bound and unable to practice something I love. Luckily there IS such thing as a home practice, and the internet and all other amazing resources. That just takes more self discipline to stay the whole hour or 1.5; but that is what yoga is all about right? Self discipline, self study, self exploration?

A quote from a past yoga class:
"In yoga we put ourselves in difficult postures, and learn how to breath through them. This is to prepare ourselves so in future we are able to focus and breath through hard moments."

Tell us your thoughts here at Unbrand Yoga!!

~Camille Lynn